I love these equally and try to listen to every episode.
I'll also link their twitter handles and websites for everyone.
FrozeNerdz :@FrozeNerdz . Go and chill with @Epic_Insanity and @KilroyKT for Blizzard entertainment news and discussions. These guys are great! They are down to earth and they pick up every topic of delicious Blizzard news to feed to us. Epic also does a podcast for us Death Knight players out there called Knights of Ebon, you can follow that podcast @KnightsOfEbon . One of my favourite things about their episodes is the Ice Box , where you can e-mail/ tweet questions to them and they will answer your questions on the episode.Plus if you love beards you should check them out ;)
Chicsthatclick : @chicsthatclick is hosted by @Jaygurrl and @Esmeralda_sky . It is a World of Warcraft Blizzard pod cast. Also with discussions on ARK and other games. I love how funny these women are, and always look forward to hearing their next episode. They also do this great #HPTurnin, where you can give a shout out to someone you think deserves it. :)
My next one isn't a podcast; however they have an awesome site and I do blog for them as well on occasion. Geeks and Geeklets is an adventure guide for geeky parents. They have everything, from game reviews, to blog posts about games/parenting/ life in general, book and movie reviews, recipes... you name it. You can follow them on Twitter @GGeeklets
This next one deserves a shout out, because maybe with enough followers they will release their episodes @slashyellcast Hosted by My husband : @Myrothvel3 , @LVX441, and @JHuntermage
These are my top ones. I hope you all check them out and give them a listen, I guarantee you'll enjoy them as much as I do!
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